
Easter 2009

For more pictures - including Lily's 1st haircut: http://picasaweb.google.com/michellehulsrice

We spent Easter in Chicago this year - at the Sheraton. We had an excellent time taking in the culture. We went to the Chicago History Museum - thanks to Elizabeth & her connections. I highly recommend this museum. It's awesome! We were able to view an exhibit of couture as worn by Chicago's most elite (aka-rich) women. Fantastic!!!! Those dresses were amazing. The older ones were had incredible detail and even Oprah donated an off-the-rack Chanel (her cost - $17,000)! They also had exhibits on the Chicago fire, blues, racial tensions throughout the years, and much more. This place is a must see!

We did a little shopping - mostly for Shaughnessy (yes, that's true! I abstained). We finally gave the ok for Nanna to buy an American Girl bitty baby! And it's a good thing because the Easter Bunny had a pumpkin outfit for the baby! The Easter Bunny must have remembered our pumpkin patch because otherwise it might have been odd to give a Halloween costume for Easter.

Shaughnessy & I went to a fantastic service at St. Paul's Lutheran Church for Easter. They had a choir, orchestra, and opera singers! Wow!

Then (most of) the Miles clan met at the Museum of Contemporary Art for an amazing brunch - Wolfgang Puck style. Thanks to Elizabeth & Frank for organizing! We stuffed ourselves silly. And of course Lily was the most beautiful girl there. Thanks to the super-cute dress from G G Huls.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Sending our love.

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