
Obamas Paying For White House Redecorating Personally

This is impressive and ridiculously unselfish. What leaders!

Obamas Paying For White House Redecorating Personally

Added by Mark Nickolas on Mar 30, 2009 - add as a friend | PM me

I think this is called leading by example:

At a time when people are having trouble holding on to their houses, Barack and Michelle Obama have sensibly decided not to use taxpayers’ money to renovate theirs. New presidents are allotted $100,000 to overhaul the White House residence and the Oval Office, and the Obamas hired Hollywood decorator Michael S. Smith (known, per his site, for mixing “Old World classicism with very contemporary settings”).

But the First Couple isn’t spending that money. They “are not using public funds or accepting donations of goods for redecorating their private quarters,” says Camille Johnston, director of communications for the First Lady. Nor is the couple, who reported $4.2 million in household income in 2007 tax returns, using money from the White House Historical Association, a privately funded foundation that paid for a $74,000 set of china shortly before Laura Bush left town.


Jindal Considers Speech Torture

We haven't posted in way too long. I need to edit video and add pictures. But. . . this was really funny (not about Lily!):

They're not allowed to show my speech at Gitmo anymore," he said. "They've banned that."
-- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal joking last night on his widely panned speech last month.

If you didn't catch the speech, it could be considered torture having to watch it. Glad he could make fun of himself.