
Lily walking with a walker (Video)

Lily received a toy lawn mower for Christmas from Aunt Kelly and it didn't take her long to get the hang of it!


Lily meets Santa!

Lily met Santa last weekend. Santa was impressed, Lily was not. But she allowed us to take some photos. She was rather indifferent about the entire situation. He told us that Lily wants a new Britex car seat - like the one he uses on his sleigh. We told Santa he better work on bringing it.


Quote of the Day

"This afternoon, the Illinois Supreme Court refused to hear a motion to throw Governor Rod Blagojevich out of office. Afterwards Blagojevich thanked the Supreme Court and said, 'Your check is in the mail.'"

-- Conan O'Brien on Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Late Night with Conan O'Brien



Lily is now crawling! Nov. 30 she took a few knee movements forward and followed up with a few more the next couple of days. It wasn't long before she was crawling around like she was born to do it. She has perfect form. I can hardly believe she couldn't do it before. For a few days, she would forget about this new skill and cry because she wanted to move - but she'd soon remember and off she went. Now, she is relishing this new freedom and is beginning to speed crawl. It does make me feel good when she crawls straight toward me! M


The Christmas Tree

We put up the Christmas tree this weekend! Lily could not keep her hands off of the ornaments...hooks and all. (Although she handled most of them quite delicately, picking them up with her fingers and letting them sway in the light while she gazed upon them.) We have a 9 footer with 4000 points of light covered in both antique and new ornaments. About half way through the decoration process, Lily was laying flat on her back at the base of the tree staring up...as if in Christmas heaven!